Saturday, September 27, 2008
Chapter 12.
"DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DADDD!!!!!!!!" Jesse was running over to Jon excitedly. "Dada train!" Romeo said pointing over to a train and pulling the leg of his jeans "daddy! LOOK STAR WARS!" Jake said running over to a stall with alot of Star Wars toys. Jon looked to see where Jake was going, 'okay he's fine..' he thought. He looked down at Romeo "Yeah we'll go over in a minute Romeo...what Jesse?" Jon asked "THEY'VE GOT THE WII!!!!" Jesse said excitedly "Jess I don't know if they've got a bathroom in here" Jon said looking around for an assistant to ask "NO I DON'T GOTTA LEAK! THEY'VE GOT THE NINTENDO WII!" Jesse pratically shouted, Jon looked confused "what's that?" he asked "it's the new game console from Nintendo AND IT ISN'T COMING OUT TIL SEPTEMBER AND THEIR SELLING IT HERE!!!!!!" Jesse told him, Jon sighed "how much?" "800 bucks" Jesse told him as if it was 20. "EIGHT-HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?!....can't you wait til it comes out?" Jon asked "aww dad c'mon!" Jesse begged "fine...go get one we'll be over by that train" Jon said looking down at Romeo who looked annoyed that he was taking so long. "Yess! Thanks dad" Jesse said running off "TRAIN!" Romeo said pushing his eyebrows together "train" Jon confirmed. "C'mon Jake we're goin' over to the train" Jon called "daddy can I get these?" Jake asked holding a bunch of star wars toys. Jon saw a sign over the toys '70% off' "put them in the cart" Jake threw them in the cart then ran over to the train. Romeo followed.
Chapter 11.

"I spy with my little eye something begining with M!!" Jake said excitedly. "MmDonal" Romeo said excitedly. Jon looked at his watch, it was lunch time. "Alright..." Jon said turning left quickly "we just gotta do somethin' first okay?" Jon said "kay" Romeo said clapping his hand. Stephanie put on the radio a rock song started "LEAVE IT ON!" Jesse shouted from the back "like I was gonna turn it off it's Good Charlotte!" Stephanie said looking back at Jesse. They both started to sing along, Jon winced his hangover was getting bad. "As I walk through the valley of the shadows of L.A the footsteps that were next to me have gone their separate ways..." Jon knew they sang beautifully but his headache was getting worse every minute. "Daddy" Jake called over his older siblings singing "Yeah Jakey?" he asked "where we going?" Jake said hitting Jesse, to try and get him to shut up. "Just down the road" Jon told him. He couldn't wait to surprise his kids, he was taking them down to the shopping mall, where Romeo and Jake's favorite toy store was, and Stephanie loved a clothes shop in there, and Jesse liked the sports and music shop's in there.
They pulled into the mall's cark park. Jon heard Jake and Romeo gasp "ARE..ARE WE GOIN' TO TOY'S ALOT?!?!?" Jake asked excitedly trying to take off his seatbelt. "Yup...Steph, Jess do you wanna go off on your own or come with us?" Jon asked thinking they would want to go off on their own. "Um..." Stephanie looked at Jesse "can I come with you?" she asked "same" Jesse asked, Jon was surprised. "Yeah sure..." he parked the car, and they all got out. Romeo reached up for Jon to pick him up, Jon put him on his shoulders "Jake hold either Stephanie or Jesse's hand" he told Jake who was about to run off. Jake sighed and went straight over to Stephanie. Stephanie laughed, "how come you never go over to Jesse?" she asked "I don't wanna hold hands with him" Jake said pulling Stephanie along.
As soon as 'Toys alot' was in Romeo's sight he started hitting Jon's head. Jon winced "stop it Romeo" but Romeo wasn't listening. "Hand" Jon said when he put Romeo down, Romeo held his hand and started running. "Dad i'm goin' over to the video games"
Friday, September 26, 2008
Chapter 10.
Jon pulled up to Dorothea's house. He saw Romeo was kneeling on the window sil looking out. When he spotted Jon getting out of the car, Jon saw him jump down as fast as he could. Jon laughed to himself, at least he knew one of his children would be happy to see him. Jon saw the door handle going down, the door swung open and Romeo ran out. Jon got down to Romeo's height and put his arms out to give him a hug. "DADDYY!!!!!!" he shouted excitedly giving Jon a hug. Jon held Romeo close for a long moment then looked up and saw Jesse with a droped jaw and wide eyes, staring at the car. "Hey kidd" Jon called to Jesse, "hi..." Jesse said still staring at the car. "You like? It was a present from the label..." Jon said trying not to laugh at his son. Jesse walked towards the car slowly, he reached out and touched it "it IS real..."Jesse said in amazment. Jon rolled his eyes, he picked Romeo up and walked inside.
"Where's mommie?" he asked Romeo, "KITCHEN!" he heard Dorothea shout. Romeo curled up to Jon, he walked into the kitchen and saw Dorothea, she was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, 'never has a woman looked so beautiful in jeans and a sweatshirt...STOP IT JON! WE'RE DIVORCED!' Jon thought. "Hey" Jon said trying to make eye contact with Dorothea, but she wouldn't make eye contact. "I need to talk to you..." she said looking down, then she looked at Romeo. Jon looked at Romeo too, "hey buddy how about you go get some toys and then get in the car..i'll be out soon okay" Jon said putting him down. Romeo looked up at him "okay" he said, Jon shuffled his hair. They both watched him leave, "do you want a cup of coffee?" she asked getting up. "I better sit down..." Jon said grabbing a chair. Dorothea handed Jon a cup of freshly made coffee. "Thanks" Jon said smiling "so..what do you need to talk to me about?" he asked looking at her. She finally made eye contact with him, but broke it after half a second. "Okay...I'm being really silly, we're both adults and we can handle this. I'm dating someone" she said her eyes locking with Jon's. Jon felt his heart sink, and then felt anger in his chest, he wanted to break everything in the room, he wanted to kill the man who was dating Dorothea. "Who is he?" he asked trying to stay calm "His name's Jason Lewis" she said calmly. Jon forced a smile, "well to tell you the truth...I'm also dating...a girl called Caddy Stradlin..she's model" Dorothea smiled at him "i'm happy for you" "I am for you too" he told her. " you want to meet him?" she asked, "sure" Jon biting his tounge.
Dorothea stood up and walked to double doors, she opened them and walked in. There was a man he looked young. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, Jon thought he saw him somewhere before, he tried to think but he couldn't place it. "Hey hun...can I get some coffee?" he asked Dorothea not taking notice of Jon "sure" she smiled and went back to the kitchen. "Hi I'm Jon...nice to meet you" Jon reached out to shake hands with him. Jason looked up "hey" he nodded. Jon droped his arm. They were silent until Dorothea came in. Jon looked at his watch "Well I better get goin'...nice to meet you" Jon said walking out quickly. Dorothea followed him, "Jon" she called, Jon turned around on his heel quickly, his shades fell off. Jon put his head down and reached for his shades, he got them and was getting up when he felt a hand on his face. "What happened?" Dorothea asked with worried eyes. Jon stared at her "nothing" he put his shades back on and walked out.
He got in the car. Jesse, Jake and Romeo were in the back of the car. "Where's Stephanie?" he asked "still gettin' ready probably" Jesse shrugged "One of ye go get her and tell her to hurry up" Jon said. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw Jake getting out. He watched Jake running to the door, where Dorothea was still standing, He saw her putting a hand on Jake's head to stop him, she asked him something and Jake replied, then he ran into the house. "c'mon Jake..." Jon whispered quitely to himself. A few seconds later Jake ran out of the house, Stephanie followed. They both kissed Dorothea goodbye, Jake then ran to the car and got in. Stephanie walked, "nice car dad...can I put these in the trunk?" she asked, "it's open" Jon told her. She put her stuff in and then sat next to Jon. "Seatbelt..." Jon reminded her, she put her seatbelt on. Then Jon drove off fast. He looked in the rear view mirror to see if Dorothea was still at the door or not...she was, and Jason was there to, with an arm around her.
"Where's mommie?" he asked Romeo, "KITCHEN!" he heard Dorothea shout. Romeo curled up to Jon, he walked into the kitchen and saw Dorothea, she was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, 'never has a woman looked so beautiful in jeans and a sweatshirt...STOP IT JON! WE'RE DIVORCED!' Jon thought. "Hey" Jon said trying to make eye contact with Dorothea, but she wouldn't make eye contact. "I need to talk to you..." she said looking down, then she looked at Romeo. Jon looked at Romeo too, "hey buddy how about you go get some toys and then get in the car..i'll be out soon okay" Jon said putting him down. Romeo looked up at him "okay" he said, Jon shuffled his hair. They both watched him leave, "do you want a cup of coffee?" she asked getting up. "I better sit down..." Jon said grabbing a chair. Dorothea handed Jon a cup of freshly made coffee. "Thanks" Jon said smiling "so..what do you need to talk to me about?" he asked looking at her. She finally made eye contact with him, but broke it after half a second. "Okay...I'm being really silly, we're both adults and we can handle this. I'm dating someone" she said her eyes locking with Jon's. Jon felt his heart sink, and then felt anger in his chest, he wanted to break everything in the room, he wanted to kill the man who was dating Dorothea. "Who is he?" he asked trying to stay calm "His name's Jason Lewis" she said calmly. Jon forced a smile, "well to tell you the truth...I'm also dating...a girl called Caddy Stradlin..she's model" Dorothea smiled at him "i'm happy for you" "I am for you too" he told her. " you want to meet him?" she asked, "sure" Jon biting his tounge.
Dorothea stood up and walked to double doors, she opened them and walked in. There was a man he looked young. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, Jon thought he saw him somewhere before, he tried to think but he couldn't place it. "Hey hun...can I get some coffee?" he asked Dorothea not taking notice of Jon "sure" she smiled and went back to the kitchen. "Hi I'm Jon...nice to meet you" Jon reached out to shake hands with him. Jason looked up "hey" he nodded. Jon droped his arm. They were silent until Dorothea came in. Jon looked at his watch "Well I better get goin'...nice to meet you" Jon said walking out quickly. Dorothea followed him, "Jon" she called, Jon turned around on his heel quickly, his shades fell off. Jon put his head down and reached for his shades, he got them and was getting up when he felt a hand on his face. "What happened?" Dorothea asked with worried eyes. Jon stared at her "nothing" he put his shades back on and walked out.
He got in the car. Jesse, Jake and Romeo were in the back of the car. "Where's Stephanie?" he asked "still gettin' ready probably" Jesse shrugged "One of ye go get her and tell her to hurry up" Jon said. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw Jake getting out. He watched Jake running to the door, where Dorothea was still standing, He saw her putting a hand on Jake's head to stop him, she asked him something and Jake replied, then he ran into the house. "c'mon Jake..." Jon whispered quitely to himself. A few seconds later Jake ran out of the house, Stephanie followed. They both kissed Dorothea goodbye, Jake then ran to the car and got in. Stephanie walked, "nice car dad...can I put these in the trunk?" she asked, "it's open" Jon told her. She put her stuff in and then sat next to Jon. "Seatbelt..." Jon reminded her, she put her seatbelt on. Then Jon drove off fast. He looked in the rear view mirror to see if Dorothea was still at the door or not...she was, and Jason was there to, with an arm around her.
Chapter 9.

The next day Jon woke, because his phone started to ring. He groaned then reached for his cell phone under his pillow. "Hello...Dorothea hi, you okay?...yeah sure I can pick them up early...yeah I'll come now...cya in about half an hour" Jon yawned and hung up. He looked around the room and say someone was lying in his bed with him. He leaned over the person to see their face. It was Caddy. 'I can't remember sleeping with her....' Jon thought. Just then he felt a headache kicking in, he got out of bed and ent into his en-suite bathroom. He walked over to the sink, he put all his weight on his arms and leaned on it, then looked at himself in the mirror. He had two black eyes "how did that happen?" he askd himself trying to remember if he was in a punch up or not. His hair was a mess, but could be easily sorted out. He looked really ill.
Jon ran into his bedroom and grabbed some clean clothes, a black t-shirt and an old pair of jeans, he had left over from the 90's, and a pair of black boots. He threw them on quickly, and went back into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and brushed through his hair quickly. He grabbed his shades. Then remembered Caddy. He went over to the bed, "get up" he said loudly. Caddy jumped "oh hi" she smiled at him, Jon's face stayed serious. "Get dressed, I'm taking you home." he told her passing her her clothes. "Okay..." Caddy said sounding confused. Jon went out of the room, so she could get dressed.
Downstairs in the living room his macbook was on the coffee table. He opened it, and then turned it on. He stared at his wallpaper for a few moments. It was him and Stephanie when she was five. How he missed those days so much, when she used to go running to him wanting his help with any little thing. Those were the days when he was the only man in her life that mattered, when all the other boys had cooties. Jon smiled, thinking of that memory which he adored. He opened the pictures, and opened the folder named 'Faimly photo's 1992 - 1997' (photo's above in order of how he saw them) It was hard for Jon to look at the one's with Dorothea in them. He hated what the divorce was doing to the kids. He clicked the 'X' button and turned it off.
He stood up and went out to the hall. He saw Caddy coming down the stairs. "finally..." he muttered quitely to himself. Jon grabbed his keys and held the door open for Caddy. He took her around the back of the house to where his many cars were, he saw a new addition to his collection. It had a big ribbon on it. It was a black Austin Martin v12 vanquish. "Holy shit..." Jon said running over to the car, he was like a child on christmas morning seeing all the presents under the tree. He read the card on it. 'What can we say? The tour rocked! - Island' Jon got in the car, the keys were in the glovebox. Caddy sat into the car, Jon started to laugh. "What?" she asked smiling "i my opinion this was one of the worst tours...but in the's one of the best..." he started the car and sped down the road. He stopped outside the train station, he got out his wallet and gave Caddy some money. "You look confused..." Jon said pushing his eyebrows together. "What's this?" she asked talking about the money "it's called money..your going to use it to buy a train ticket to go back to New York..." he told her "oh.." she said sounding disapointed Jon brushed a hand through his hair. "I would drive you back...but I got to get the kids..." he told her. "Oh" she sid unserstanding now "that's fine hun" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek, then she got out of the car. Jon rolled down the window "bye" he said with a dazzling smile "bye" she smiled in return. Then Jon sped off.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Chapter 8.
"You like italian?" Jon asked "yeah their sexy..." Caddy quickly replied. Jon laughed "I meant the food" Caddy said sounding embarrased "right" Jon said putting his hand on her lower back and smiled to himself. They walked for a minute in silence, "here we are" Jon said crossing the road and going into the restraunt. "Table for two...somewhere private" Jon said handing the waiter one hundread bucks. The waiter lead them to the back of the restraunt, to a dimly lit area. "What would you like to eat?" the waiter asked "uh....i'll have pasta" Jon said handing the menu to the waiter. Then he looked at Caddy, "um....nothing for me thanks" she said handing the waiter back the menu, Jon's face dropped, "cancel my order...I'll just have a glass of red wine...two for the lady" Jon said winking at Caddy, she smiled "I don't drink" she said to Jon quitely. Jon started to look fustrated "what would you like to have then darling?" he asked calmly "just a water...bottled" Caddy said smiling at him. " water and one glass of Petit verdot" Jon told the waiter. The waiter nodded and walked away to get the drinks. They sat in silence until the waiter returned with the drinks. "Thank you" Jon said getting his wallet out again, he paid for the drinks and gave the waiter a small tip. The waiter walked away happily. " drink I see" Caddy said staring at the glass of wine "and I take it you don't" he said "yeah...I have to keep in shape..." she told him, when he heard Caddy saying that, he realised something. He was on a date with a fake, a person who only cared about their looks. Jon sighed "you okay?" Caddy asked "yeah..yeah I'm fine..." Jon looked at his watch "we better get goin' soon..." he told Caddy, she nodded took one sip of her water then stood up to go. Jon gulped down the rest of his wine quickly, he stood up, wraped his arm around Caddy and they walked out to his car.
"Where am I droping you off?" Jon asked keeping his eyes on the road, "um...." Caddy began, "never mind..I got an idea" Jon said with a crooked smile quickly before Caddy could answer. Caddy smiled back. Jon exelerated the car and sped down the highway at 80 miles per hour. They reached Jon's house in ten minutes.
"Where am I droping you off?" Jon asked keeping his eyes on the road, "um...." Caddy began, "never mind..I got an idea" Jon said with a crooked smile quickly before Caddy could answer. Caddy smiled back. Jon exelerated the car and sped down the highway at 80 miles per hour. They reached Jon's house in ten minutes.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Chapter 7.
After Born to be my baby, Jon went over to Richie "Play queen of New Orleans..." he whispered. Richie started to play the opening chords. "Queen Of New Orleans..." Jon shouted to the rest of the band. "She said baby our love's just like your songs The beat ain't bad but the words are all wrong It's time to pack my bags, it's time to just move on She sang Johnny, I'm gone, gone, gone And she was gone..." Jon sang while constantly looking at Caddy. When he looked over at Richie, after they finished the song, 'Bed of Rose?' Richie mouthed, Jon shook his head. Richie sighed and gave his guitar to one of the rodies, then joined the rest of the band to bow.
Backstage, Jon's dressing room.
"dada...." Romeo said reaching for Jon to pick him up. Jon wasn't paying attention to his kids, he was daydreaming. Romeo started to pull at the leg of his pants, "DADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Romeo screeched, which made Jon jump. "WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?!?!" he asked looking around the room, waiting to see if something terrible had happen to one of his kids. He looked down at Romeo, who was still reaching up for him. Jon picked him up and placed him on his lap. Romeo snuggled into Jon, and quickly fell asleep. Then there was a knock on the door. "yeah?" Jon shouted, not too loud to wake Romeo though. The door opened, a tall-ish female figure stepped in. She was wearing tight fitting jeans, and a V-neck top. Jon looked at the face. It was Dorothea.
Jon felt his heart aching. "Hi" she said smiling, Jon put Romeo down and stood up. "Hi" he said sounding surprised. "I need to talk to you..." Dorothea told him. Jon looked at his kids, then reached into his pockets and got out his wallet, he got out one hudread bucks and handed it to Stephanie, "here..go to Obie and tell him to take you all out to macdonalds...tell him I'm buying."
Stephanie took hold of Jake's hnd, and Jesse picked up Romeo, who was still asleep. "cya" Jesse said as he was going out the door, "bye" Jon and Dorothea said at the same time.
Dorothea sat down, Jon stayed standing. There was silence for a few minutes, finally Jon broke it, "so..did you see the show?" "yeah I did...I was in the front stage" Dorothea said looking up at him, Jon closed his eyes for a moment. "How did you get in?" he asked with his eyes still closed, "I qued with everyone else..." Dorothea said shrugging. Jon opened his eyes quickly when he heard that. "You qued?" Jon asked in disbelief and with a hint of anger in his voice, she sighed "Jon it's no big deal I was at the front of the que anyway...a bunch of guy's let me infront of them" Jon's jaw clenched. "What did you want to talk about?" Jon asked sounding angry, "Oh, well I was wondering..." then there was a knock on the door, and in walked Caddy. "Oh...dosn't matter, I see you already have plans..." Dorothea said looking Caddy up and down, then looking at Jon. He opened his mouth to talk, but no words came out. Dorothea stood up and walked over to the door. "Pick the kids up by 12...." she said then closed the door.
"did I interrupt something?" Caddy asked apologeticaly, "" Jon said walking over to the door and walked out after Dorothea. "Dorothea!" he called after her, but she kept walking. Jon buried his hands in his face, then started to walk back to his dressing room, forgetting Caddy was in there.
"Hey kidd" Richie called after Jon. Jon turned to see Richie, Jon noded. "You okay man?...." "yeah...why?" Jon asked, though he knew why. "You just seem happy, then extreamly horny...seeing as you went over to Caddy...and now your upset again...whats up?" Richie asked leaning against the wall behind him. "I dunno man......I miss Dorothea but I really like Caddy...I'm just totally fucked up..." Richie coughed and was looking behind Jon, Jon turned around and saw Caddy standing behind them. When Jon looked back he saw Richie was gone. "You wanna grab a bite to eat?" Jon asked Caddy. She smiled at him "I'd like that"
Backstage, Jon's dressing room.
"dada...." Romeo said reaching for Jon to pick him up. Jon wasn't paying attention to his kids, he was daydreaming. Romeo started to pull at the leg of his pants, "DADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Romeo screeched, which made Jon jump. "WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?!?!" he asked looking around the room, waiting to see if something terrible had happen to one of his kids. He looked down at Romeo, who was still reaching up for him. Jon picked him up and placed him on his lap. Romeo snuggled into Jon, and quickly fell asleep. Then there was a knock on the door. "yeah?" Jon shouted, not too loud to wake Romeo though. The door opened, a tall-ish female figure stepped in. She was wearing tight fitting jeans, and a V-neck top. Jon looked at the face. It was Dorothea.
Jon felt his heart aching. "Hi" she said smiling, Jon put Romeo down and stood up. "Hi" he said sounding surprised. "I need to talk to you..." Dorothea told him. Jon looked at his kids, then reached into his pockets and got out his wallet, he got out one hudread bucks and handed it to Stephanie, "here..go to Obie and tell him to take you all out to macdonalds...tell him I'm buying."
Stephanie took hold of Jake's hnd, and Jesse picked up Romeo, who was still asleep. "cya" Jesse said as he was going out the door, "bye" Jon and Dorothea said at the same time.
Dorothea sat down, Jon stayed standing. There was silence for a few minutes, finally Jon broke it, "so..did you see the show?" "yeah I did...I was in the front stage" Dorothea said looking up at him, Jon closed his eyes for a moment. "How did you get in?" he asked with his eyes still closed, "I qued with everyone else..." Dorothea said shrugging. Jon opened his eyes quickly when he heard that. "You qued?" Jon asked in disbelief and with a hint of anger in his voice, she sighed "Jon it's no big deal I was at the front of the que anyway...a bunch of guy's let me infront of them" Jon's jaw clenched. "What did you want to talk about?" Jon asked sounding angry, "Oh, well I was wondering..." then there was a knock on the door, and in walked Caddy. "Oh...dosn't matter, I see you already have plans..." Dorothea said looking Caddy up and down, then looking at Jon. He opened his mouth to talk, but no words came out. Dorothea stood up and walked over to the door. "Pick the kids up by 12...." she said then closed the door.
"did I interrupt something?" Caddy asked apologeticaly, "" Jon said walking over to the door and walked out after Dorothea. "Dorothea!" he called after her, but she kept walking. Jon buried his hands in his face, then started to walk back to his dressing room, forgetting Caddy was in there.
"Hey kidd" Richie called after Jon. Jon turned to see Richie, Jon noded. "You okay man?...." "yeah...why?" Jon asked, though he knew why. "You just seem happy, then extreamly horny...seeing as you went over to Caddy...and now your upset again...whats up?" Richie asked leaning against the wall behind him. "I dunno man......I miss Dorothea but I really like Caddy...I'm just totally fucked up..." Richie coughed and was looking behind Jon, Jon turned around and saw Caddy standing behind them. When Jon looked back he saw Richie was gone. "You wanna grab a bite to eat?" Jon asked Caddy. She smiled at him "I'd like that"
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