"I spy with my little eye something begining with M!!" Jake said excitedly. "MmDonal" Romeo said excitedly. Jon looked at his watch, it was lunch time. "Alright..." Jon said turning left quickly "we just gotta do somethin' first okay?" Jon said "kay" Romeo said clapping his hand. Stephanie put on the radio a rock song started "LEAVE IT ON!" Jesse shouted from the back "like I was gonna turn it off it's Good Charlotte!" Stephanie said looking back at Jesse. They both started to sing along, Jon winced his hangover was getting bad. "As I walk through the valley of the shadows of L.A the footsteps that were next to me have gone their separate ways..." Jon knew they sang beautifully but his headache was getting worse every minute. "Daddy" Jake called over his older siblings singing "Yeah Jakey?" he asked "where we going?" Jake said hitting Jesse, to try and get him to shut up. "Just down the road" Jon told him. He couldn't wait to surprise his kids, he was taking them down to the shopping mall, where Romeo and Jake's favorite toy store was, and Stephanie loved a clothes shop in there, and Jesse liked the sports and music shop's in there.
They pulled into the mall's cark park. Jon heard Jake and Romeo gasp "ARE..ARE WE GOIN' TO TOY'S ALOT?!?!?" Jake asked excitedly trying to take off his seatbelt. "Yup...Steph, Jess do you wanna go off on your own or come with us?" Jon asked thinking they would want to go off on their own. "Um..." Stephanie looked at Jesse "can I come with you?" she asked "same" Jesse asked, Jon was surprised. "Yeah sure..." he parked the car, and they all got out. Romeo reached up for Jon to pick him up, Jon put him on his shoulders "Jake hold either Stephanie or Jesse's hand" he told Jake who was about to run off. Jake sighed and went straight over to Stephanie. Stephanie laughed, "how come you never go over to Jesse?" she asked "I don't wanna hold hands with him" Jake said pulling Stephanie along.
As soon as 'Toys alot' was in Romeo's sight he started hitting Jon's head. Jon winced "stop it Romeo" but Romeo wasn't listening. "Hand" Jon said when he put Romeo down, Romeo held his hand and started running. "Dad i'm goin' over to the video games"
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