Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chapter 16.

Jon sat next to Stephanie as she slept. He could not believe he let his daughter, one of the two women which he loved that were left in his life (The other was his mother) get shot. Jon took hold of Stephanie's small hand. Next thing Dorothea came through the doors. Followed by Jason. She ran over to Stephanie, "Don't wake her up..she needs her sleep" Jon said firmly, Dorothea glared at him. "Can I speek to you outside for a minute?" she asked, she seemed angry. Jon stood up and walked outside the door.

"HOW COULD YOU LET MY DAUGHTER GET SHOT?!?!?!?" she screamed at him, "Dorothea..." Jon said trying to coax her into an empty room. "NO JON!" she said shrugging his hand off her arm. "Dorothea just go in the room" he said calmly "no" Dorothea replied "I SAID GET IN THE GOD DAMN ROOM!" Jon shouted, he looked around and saw everyone was staring at them. Dorthea went into the room quickly, Jon slammed the door shut. "Jon when Stephanie gets out of here...I'm taking the kids and going" she told him "what you mean your going?" Jon asked "Stephanie's getting out of here in a week...I'll bring the children to say goodbye to you" Dorothea said looking straight into Jon's eyes. Jon stared at her not saying anything. "I wan you to know.. I'm very happy for you..I always knew you would find someone" she told him. "Why don't you sit down?" Jon asked pointing to one of the seats " i'm not staying long...I have to go home and pack all the childrens stuff..." "there's some thing's I want to talk to you about" Jon said sitting down "some thing's that have been on my mind...changes I want to make" he continued "I think it's too late for that" Dorothea told him "it's never too late" Jon said looking up at Dorothea. "How did Stephanie get shot Jon?" Dorothea asked Jon crossed his legs, he had gone over it 10000 times in his head. "We just came out from a restraunt..we had lunch with Richie...I was talkin' to Rich while I was puttin' Jake and Romeo in the car..Stephanie was standing behind me...I heard a guy call my name...I looked behind Stephanie and someone was pointing a gun at me...before I had time to tell Stephanie to run...he shot" "why was someone pointing a gun at you?" she asked "I don't know.....Rich thinks it was to do with this fight I witnessed the other night...but it had nothin' to do with me Dorothea..I swear...I don't know why they came after me...." Jon told her. "Now your not taking the kids away from me. No. You can't. I love them and I have a right to see them" Jon said standing up. "Jon you say you love them...and then you let Stephanie get shot!" Dorothea shouted "there has been things goin' on for years between the mafia and me day they love me like a brother..the next they want to kill have to understand it wasn't my fault!" he told her "BUT IT WAS YOUR FAULT! YOU COULD HAVE PUSHED HER OUT OF THE WAY..YOU COULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING...BUT NO YOU DID NOTHING! LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENED TO US JON! LOOK WHAS HAPPENED TO OUR SON!" Dorothea shouted "nothings happened any of our sons..what are you talking about?" Jon asked "JESSE'S..." Dorothea began "no I don't wanna hear about it" Jon told her "HE'S AFRAID TO COME TO YOU SINCE..." "I don't wanna hear about it..." "HE SAW A GUN BEING POINTED AT YOU" Dorothea began "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!" Jon shouted he then walked over to the window and looked out. "At this moment..the little love I had left for's all gone..." Dorothea told him "Dorothea...go take the kids back to my house..." Jon said leaning against the window "Jon...did you not just hear a word I just said?" she asked " you expect me to let you..and that little pretty boy of you take my kids away from me? DO YOU EXPECT ME TO LET HIM RAISE MY KIDS?! Don't you know me? Don't you know that's an impossibilite that I will never let happen? Don't you know I'd use every last breath of me to keep something like that from not happening?" Jon asked, Dorothea stood quitely just looking at him " time you'll understand why I can't let you do time when your not so angry you'll understand..and you'll forgive me" Jon said taking one of her hands. "I know you blame me for Stephanie getting shot...I know that you blame me for everything that's happened between our family..." he continued "oh...oh Jon...Jon you are blind....this isn't a movie...everything won't get better over night...Jon i'm taking the kids and Jason the kid's and I...were going to start a new life away from you!" Jon's eyes filled with anger "YOU CAN'T TAKE THE LAST FEW PEOPLE I LOVE AWAY FROM ME! YOU CAN'T TAKE MY LITTLE GIRL THE ONLY WOMAN I HAVE LEFT IN LIFE! YOU CAN'T TAKE MY SONS!" Jon shouted "JON YOUR LUCKY I EVEN KEPT ROMEO! I DIDN'T WANT TO BRING ANOTHER SON OR DAUGHTER OF YOURS INTO THE WORLD! BUT I COULDN'T KILL HIM I COULD NEVER HAVE LIVED WITH MYSELF! WHEN I SAW ROMEO..I THANKED GOD HE DIDN'T HAVE YOUR EYES BECAUSE I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO LOOK INTO ONE MORE PAIR OF YOUR EYES....ONE MORE PAIR OF YOUR EYES COULD HAVE KILLED ME!" Dorothea shouted, Jon had never looked more furious. "STOP IT!" Jon said hitting Dorothea, she fell back onto the couch, Jon walked backwards slowly, he couldn't believe he had hit her. "You won't take my children" Jon told her "I WILL!" she shouted getting up. "YOU WON'T TAKE MY CHILDREN" Jon shouted he then stormed out of the room.

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