Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chapter 18.

Three weeks later...

Jon's new york appartment.

"Hey hun are you okay?" Caddy asked sitting next to Jon on the couch. "Caddy, I....I don't think this is gonna work out..." Jon whispered, Caddy turned to look at Jon "you don't think what is going to work out?" she asked, Jon turned and looked at her "us...I don't think WE are going to work out! Your a great beautiful girl Caddy...but that's the point your a girl... I was in highschool when you were born...I'm...I'm sorry" Caddy nodded with tears in her eyes "" she said running out. Jon buried his face in his hands. He saw she had left her jacket, he grabbed it and ran after her.

Caddy was sitting on the bench outside the building. "Hi...I think you forgot this..." He said putting it on the seat next to her, Caddy didn't look at him, Jon sighed "i'm sorry" he whispered. Caddy looked up at him, not saying a word. "I'm sorry I lied to you about why I broke up with you...the real reason is...I don't like people who care about what they look like...I like REAL women, women that aren't afraid of what others think of them..." Caddy stood up and leaned in to kiss him, but Jon stood back. "No..." he turned away and walked down the street.

A few hours later....

Jon went and got his Austin Martin because he wanted to go to New Jersey. "Good evening Mr.Bongiovi, which car would you like me to get?" the attendent asked "It's fine I'll get it, thanks anyway..." Jon said getting his keys out of his pocket and getting into his Austin. "Enjoy your evening Mr.Bongiovi" The attendent said with a smile "Thank's Victor..I'm going to Jersey for some time I should be back next week. Cya" Jon said driving off.

1 comment:

Ana Laura said...

Hi Steph!!!!
I´m from Argentina and I´m wondering whether you are going to keep on writing this fabulous fanfic or you´re going to leave it there. I hope our Jon would come back to Dorothea, but you´re the qualified writer to put it into words so wonderfully as you´ve been doing up to now. Please go on with this fantastic story!!!!!!